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Halloween Harry

October 15, 2009 1 comment

Here’s the guy that takes care of salesmen at our house!  Lol, just kidding, maybe?  I haven’t heard the doorbell, since he’s been guarding the place!  He’s been at our house for about two weeks now, but I just got the pic onto my computer, so here’s the info:

Halloween Harry 002

I used a pair of my husband’s old coveralls, and boots.  We already had the Halloween mask.  The wig and hat are all built into it.  The ends of the limbs are secured with zip ties, then trimmed close.  I used long balloons for the arms and legs.  Tied two together for one limb, so they are all jointed.  I also used newspaper and Walmart bags to fill in spots.  One round balloon went into the back of the mask, and box tape holds it together.  Cardboard torn from a box taped to back of balloon, keeps his head from rolling, in the high winds.

Halloween Harry 001

Hopefully I will soon have more Halloween home decor projects to post, I am planning to carve a pumpkin, and working on a Halloween village to decorate the mantle, with garland to match!

Categories: 1